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How to Add Uses to a Product / Constituent


"Uses" in Active Steward describe the way that a substance is used. Companies must assess how their substances are used to ensure regulatory compliance and safe use.

1. 👆 Navigate to Products 👉 Select the product of interest from the list.

3. 👆 Click "ADD / REMOVE".

4. 👆 Click the plus icon in the "Available Uses" section to add a use to the product.


👆 Click the minus icon to remove uses.

5. ✍️ Enter the number of Tonnes for each use.

6. 👆 Select the status for each use.


Status Options:

  • Registered - The company has declared that this is how they use the substance.
  • Update in progress - The company is in the process of registering for a use.
  • Requested by DS user - The use has been requested by a downstream user. Companies or individual workers who use chemicals are called downstream users in REACH and CLP. This includes companies who manufacture goods or offer services where chemicals are not the main element of their business (such as food, construction or cleaning companies).
  • Advised against - Uses that are specifically advised against. For example, if a use is assessed and it is found that it cannot be used safely.

7. 👆 Click "SAVE AND RETURN".

8. 🥳 The uses for this product have been saved.


To add a use to a constituent, navigate to a constituent record, and follow the same steps (2-8) from above.