Create Campaign Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions can be added for a whole partition and individual campaigns. The partition level T&Cs are shown to every user upon log in (see preview below). The campaign level T&Cs will be shown to users when accessing that campaign.

If setting up T&Cs for both levels, then the user will have 2 T&Cs to accept; one when navigating into the system and the second when entering the campaign.
Setting up Partition Wide T&Cs
Only users with the relevant permissions can edit Partition Wide Content.
1. 👆 Navigate to Campaigns 👉 Click "Partition Wide Content".

2. Under the "Web Portal" tab, 👆 click "Terms & Conditions".

3. 👆 Click "EDIT".

4. ✍️ Enter content into the box provided and format if required.

5. 👆 Click "SAVE".

6. 🥳 The T&Cs are saved and can be previewed.

Setting up Campaign Level T&Cs
7. 👆 Navigate to Campaigns 👉 Select the campaign of interest from the list.

8. Under the "Web Portal" tab, 👆 click "Terms & Conditions".

9. 👆 Click "EDIT".

10. 👆 Tick the checkbox for "Additional Terms".

11. ✍️ Enter content into the box provided and format if required.

12. 👆 Click "SAVE".

13. 🥳 The T&Cs are saved and can be previewed.