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How to Create a Download Task


A "Download Task" is a clickable link that displays on a campaign page. The task can include one or more files, and it allows the user to download documents. Here is a preview of a Download Task on a campaign page.

1. 👆 Navigate to Campaigns 👉 Select the campaign of interest from the list.

2. 👆 Click the "Tasks" tab 👉 Navigate to "Tasks".

3. 👆 Click "Add Task".

4. 👆 Select an option in the "Viewing Role" field. This will control who can access and use the task.

Your user account will need permission to set access to "Public" or "All Users".

5. ✍️ Enter the task name and 👆 choose "Download" from the "Type" dropdown.

6. ✍️ Enter task instructions for the end user if required.

Note that these instructions only show when the task is used in combination with a "Task Page".

7. 👆 Click "Select Documents" to choose the file(s) to assign to this task.

8. 👆 Click "New Document" if the document is not yet in the system. 📤 Upload a file.

If the document already exists in the database, then 👆 select the checkbox for the relevant file(s) in the table.

9. 👆 Click "SAVE & RETURN".

10. 🥳 The new task is in the tasks list. It can now be added to a Task Group or inserted onto a campaign page.