How to Duplicate Campaign Pages
Campaign pages can be duplicated using the section duplicator. Note that everything inside a section will be duplicated, including any further subsections and their pages.
1. 👆 Navigate to Campaigns 👉 Select the campaign of interest from the list.

2. 👆 Navigate to Web Portal 👉 Sections.

Ensure that the pages to duplicate are all assigned to a section.

3. 👆 Click "Duplicate Section".

4. 👆 Click the "To Campaign" field and select an option from the dropdown list. This will be the campaign where the duplicated section is copied to.

5. ✍️ Enter a name for the new section.

6. 👆 Click "Duplicate".

7. 🥳 The section is now duplicated and can be found within the Sections list.

8. 🥳 The pages under that section are now duplicated. See that they are assigned to the new section name entered in step 5.