The user edit screen allows a users details to be amended, passwords to be reset, and accounts to be reactivated or deactivated. The users access to campaigns and partitions can also be updated here.
Only users with certain roles can edit user accounts.
1. 👆 Navigate to Campaigns 👉 Select the campaign of interest from the list.
Update Account Details
4. 👆 Click "Edit User Account".
5. 👆 Click "EDIT".
6. If editing any of the user details in the top section, then 👆 click "SAVE" to save the changes.
Update a users access to campaigns
9. 👆 Click the Campaign field and choose a campaign from the drop-down list. 👆 Choose a "Viewing Role" for the user - this will determine what content in the campaign they can see.
10. 👆 Click "SAVE".
12. 👆 Add or remove viewing roles using the drop-down list, then 👆 click "SAVE".
Give a user access to another partition
13. 🥳 Click the checkbox next to the partition to give the user access to. This saves automatically and the row will turn green if successful.