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Notifications Guide (Update Coming Soon)


The notifications a user receives depends on their set preferences. Notification preferences are partition specific so a user can have different settings per partition. Notifications are received in the notification panel and by email if enabled. There are some notifications that cannot be disabled, which are:

  • New release updates - these only show in the web page and are never sent via email.
  • Mentions / Comment replies (not yet released) - If the user is mentioned / tagged in a comment or if their comment is replied to.
  • If the user sends out a Tonnage Enquiry - notifications will always be received when submissions are completed.

View Notifications

1. 👆 Click the notification icon in the top right menu to bring up the notification panel along the side of the page.

2. 👆 Click on the notification to navigate to where in Active Steward it relates to.

3. 👆 Click the trash icon to remove notifications.

Edit Notification Preferences


Notifications for the following can be bulk edited:

Constituent Tonnage Warnings
Constituents in Partition Present in Updated Inventories
Campaign security warnings
Invoice payments

To manually enable/disable notifications for individual records in Active Steward, see steps 9-19.

Bulk Edit Preferences

4. 👆 Click the settings icon in the notifications panel.

5. 👆 Click the relevant checkboxes to make changes, then click "SAVE".


What notifications are received by checking these boxes?

  • All Documents - For all documents in this partition, the user will receive notifications about the following:

  • All Studies - For all studies in this partition, the user will receive notifications about the following:

  • All Campaigns - For all campaigns in this partition, the user will receive notifications about the following:

  • Constituent Tonnage Warnings - For all constituents in this partition, users will receive notifications about the following:

  • Constituents in Partition Present in Updated Inventories - If a new inventory is added or an existing one is updated, users will receive notifications when:

    • The inventory contains a constituent in this partition.
  • Campaign security warnings - For all campaigns in the partition, notifications will be sent if:

  • Invoice payments - For all documents of type "Invoice", notifications are received when the payment status is set to "paid".

Click the tutorial links above to view more information on how to generate these notifications.

6. 👆 Click on the bell icon with a tick to enable all notifications.

This ticks all the below checkboxes, but the "Receive notifications by email" checkbox remains unaffected. This needs to be manually ticked.


Having "Receive notifications by email" ticked means that the user will receive notifications in the web page, as well as by email.

7. 👆 Click on the bell icon with a cross to disable all notifications.

This unticks all the below checkboxes, but the "Receive notifications by email" checkbox remains unaffected. This needs to be manually unticked.

8. 👆 Click "Advanced" to view further notification settings.


When clicking "Advanced", the "Notification Preferences" page opens. The checkboxes along the top of this page are the same as the ones found on the side notification panel (as shown in the above steps). The buttons for "Turn on all notifications" and "Turn off all notifications" are the same as the bell icons found on the side notification panel (as shown in the above steps). The button and checkbox functionality works the same in both places.

Edit Notifications for Individual Records


Document / Study / Campaign notification preferences can be edited in the "Notification Preferences" screen.
It is possible to have all notifications turned off, and only turn notifications on for specific records. It is not possible to have all notifications turned on, and selectively turn off some notifications. If all notifications are on, then they will be received for all regardless of the settings on the individual records.
The notification options for "Invoice payments" and "Campaign security warnings" cannot be edited per record - when these options are enabled, it is for all invoices and campaigns respectively.

The "Notify" column in the table indicates whether the notifications are on or off via a bell icon. If the bell has a cross through it then notifications are off, otherwise they are on.

10. 👆 Navigate to the "Documents" tab 👉 Click the bell icon to turn notifications on for a document.

The icon will update, and the row will highlight green to indicate the change was successful.

11. 👆 Navigate to the "Campaigns" tab 👉 Click the bell icon to turn notifications on for a campaign.

The icon will update, and the row will highlight green to indicate the change was successful.

12. 👆 Navigate to the "Studies" tab 👉 Click the bell icon to turn notifications on for a study.

The icon will update, and the row will highlight green to indicate the change was successful.

Enable Other Notifications


The notification preferences screen can be used for document, study and campaign notifications. However, it does not include notifications for the following items:

  • Category Group
  • Product
  • Constituent
  • Product Group
  • Issue & Statement
  • Entity
  • Entity Group

To enable / disable notifications for any of the above; 👆 Navigate to the record 👉 Click the "Notifications" button in the top right of the screen. See examples in the following steps:

13. On a Category Group, 👆 click the "Notifications" button to turn on notifications.

The bell icon will have a cross through it if notifications are disabled. Notifications will be sent for:

14. On a Product, 👆 click the "Notifications" button to turn on notifications. Notifications will be sent for:

15. On a Constituent, 👆 click the "Notifications" button to turn on notifications. Notifications will be sent for:

16. On a Product Group, 👆 click the "Notifications" button to turn on notifications. Notifications will be sent for:

17. On an Issue & Statement, 👆 click the "Notifications" button to turn on notifications. Notifications will be sent for:

18. On an Entity, 👆 click the "Notifications" button to turn on notifications. Notifications will be sent for:


Document / Study / Campaign notifications can also be individually enabled this way.

19. On an Entity Group, 👆 click the "Notifications" button to turn on notifications. Notifications will be sent for: