Create a Study¶
1. 👆 "Add New Study"¶
✍️ ️Mandatory fields are marked *
The Study Code needs to be unique identifier. A useful format is the logical number in the database-short test substance name-study type / OECD number-Lab abbreviation, e.g. 010-TCP-443-CRL, making it much easier to recognise the study in lists, correspondence and contracts, as well as for direct email in.
Project start and finished dates will be wider that the study dates from a CRO, allowing for study planning and pre and post study activities.
The study dates from a CRO are entered once the initial record has been set up.
3. ✍️ ️ The 'Linked Substance' 'Linked Entities' and 'Linked Users' sections are important as they enable studies to be linked and displayed in other areas of the system including cost analyses.¶
4. Select the Study Monitor and the Study Manager - they must be an active user of the system,¶
The roles of each are part of the system set up for study and financial oversight. The functionality maintains a record of who has responsibility of study over its life.